

Please join us for a cream tea with scones and cakes on Saturday 10th August 2.30 – 4.30 pm

Venue: Potter’s House, 4 Homefield, Capel St Mary IP9 2XE, the home of Ian and Sue France


Spring Cake and Plant Sale and Coffee Morning

This was held on Saturday 11th May and raised £686.20. It was a very enjoyable morning with folks chatting over coffee and scones or cakes, further cakes to buy to take home and lots of plants to choose from. We would like to thank those who donated cakes and plants or gave of their time to help, and a big thankyou to all those who attended.

Dates for your diary:

All at Capel St Mary Methodist Church.

Autumn Cake Sale and Coffee Morning :- Saturday 21st September from 10 – 12 noon

Annual Curry Evening :- Saturday 19th October 7pm for 7.30.

Quiz evening :- Friday 22nd November